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Heather Hohler, owner of Hohler Studio

About Hohler Studio

​I have been told that I have a way of connecting with animals. I've also been told I have a way of collecting them! I am a proud mamma of four dogs, three cats, and two Blue and Gold Macaws. And if I could have more, I would.


Every pet has his own personality. My dog Pal loves to chew the eyes off his stuffed animals. CB prefers belly rubs over ball time. Ringo hates the heat and will curl up on the tile floor in the bathroom. And Charlie likes to take a toy on walks.


My photography is about capturing these individual expressions. I can catch a dog’s good humor around his family members, or his pride in protecting them. I can freeze a cat’s aloof and lazy stretch, or her rapt focus on the prowl. I can reveal a bunny rabbit in mid hop, or the surprise of a curios ferret looking at the world through a tube.


Let's talk about capturing what's special about your beloved pet.


Contact me

Heather Hohler

Portland, OR



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